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Why does the                             reach a wider audience?

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Increased Visibility:

When you share content or interact with others using your personal brand, it appears in the feeds of your connections, increasing the likelihood of being seen by a broader audience.

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Having a personal brand on LinkedIn can significantly enhance the reach and impact of your business pages for five reasons:

Thought Leadership: 

Building a personal brand allows you to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry. By consistently sharing valuable insights, industry trends, and expertise, you attract a following that values your opinion and, in turn, is more likely to engage with your business content.

From a personal profile, you’re able to connect with decision makers within your exact target audience, who in turn, see your personal and corporate content.

Connection Building:

Algorithm Favourability: 

Trust and Authenticity

People trust individuals more than companies. A well-developed personal brand helps establish credibility and authenticity. When you share content from your business page through your personal profile, it lends a human touch to your business, making it more relatable and trustworthy.

LinkedIn's algorithm tends to favour content shared by personal profiles over company pages. This means that content shared through personal profiles is more likely to appear in your connections’ feeds, increasing its reach.

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The statement 'people buy from people' has never been more true.


This is driven by a number of key psychological factors including the aspects mentioned previously like trust, credibility, reliablity, emotional connection, and a personalised experience.

Why this Works

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LinkedIn for construction CEOs, MDs AND Directors

Let us explain:

If you’re the MD, CEO or Business owner of a construction company, then investing in building your personal brand on LinkedIn is an absolute must.

Over 80% of all B2B leads come through Linkedin. And 4 out of 5 people on LinkedIn drive decision-making in their business.

This means that the people who make decisions about which suppliers to use on multi-million-pound construction projects are also on LinkedIn.

All of your ideal clients are on LinkedIn! We can help you get to them.

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